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Showing posts from July, 2017

Last Summer

Do you remember last summer when we explored parts of the city  we grew up in but never saw? When we had picnics in the park looking for faeries under the mushrooms and danced in the suns rays, oblivious to the people watching? When we went swimming in the sweltering heat? The cold refreshing water and the smell on sunscreen. The snowcone battle that you won by pushing me into the pool. When we kissed goodbye on the roof of the tallest building in our city before leaving our separate way? Do you remember the tears and our embrace neither of us wanted to end? Do you remember  the salty lips and desperate eyes? Do you remember  how you promised to love me forever? Forever is over and done- ripped apart by your tongue. Makes me wonder how this summer will be. It'll be hard to compare to the adventures and love  of the one before.

The Reason Behind Tattoos

Tattoos, like scars, forever etched into our skin. Scars to tell our history. Tattoos to remind of the beauty that can come from the darkness. Through our tattoos, our colors shine brightly through.

Living Art

I'm a fucking masterpiece with my chipped nail polish, pudgy tummy, touching thighs, unbrushed hair, smudged eyeliner, and faded lipstick. I may look a wreck, but that's just me. And I am a piece of art.

Love and Cyanide

How poetic the things that kill us are. cigarettes...alcohol...drugs... and the boy with the sky in his eyes. How romantic poison can be.

The Muse and his Writer

He writes happiness every day in my soul, I just translate it to paper.

Weather Alert: Hurricane K

Honey, you cannot erase a hurricane, the winds cannot be slowed nor the lightning be stifled. The storms are a-blazing and there's no stopping me now.

Peace in Chaos

In the chaos I found you, surrounded by the battle still raging on not a hair out of place.  You stood out among the destruction and gore- looking so perfect  with the glow of an angel.  You rescued me from all the conflict I had grown so accustomed to.  With you I fly to paradise,  a place where the destruction has not reached.  Though the war still rages on waiting for me to finish it, with you I lie peacefully.  For once in my chaotic life, I feel safe.

The Meaning of a Badass

Cigarette hanging daintily from her fingers- eyes rolling at the very thought of you- sucking poison to die quicker, but you'd never know her intentions. Hell in high heels, as they say. Good luck trying to catch her.