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Showing posts from December, 2013

No Reason

There's not always a reason. Must you ask why the sun shines and the moon glows?  Must you ask why we speak and the wind blows? It simply does. There is no explanation for beauty. It simply exists. We cannot give reason why we're crazy or smart. We cannot give reason why we love. We simply do. It's in our nature. Everyone must realize that sometimes there's no reason so stop straining yourselves looking for an explanation and enjoy the beauty of it.

The Silence of Two Heartbroken Lovers

The pain of silence between two former lovers who still love each other is heartbreaking. The physical ache they feel, wishing they could reach out to the other, but it's as if they are on either side of a deep ravine with a mile long gap between them,but with a shaky wooden bridge across. They are both afraid to cross, in fear of hurting themselves or the other. So they sit there staring sadly at their love. Occasionally, one of them will venture off to try to move on, but they always end up back at the bridge. The two former lovers know they need each other, but they don't want any more heartbreak. What they don't realize is the heartbreak they are causing the other person. They're hearts are so broken and damaged, even without this unnecessary heartbreak. They need each other to pull themselves up, to pull each other up. The silence is long and painful and stretches out beyond the bridge. Others, completely unrelated to the problem, can feel the pain and longing ju


11:11 rolled around again. Instead of wishing for love or less confusion or something for me, like I'd normally do, I wished for the kids. I wished for the safety and peace of mind of those poor kids. I wished for their mental abuse to end, for them to smile like they used to. I didn't even think about including myself in that, though I suffer the same problems. My worries are strictly for them, little kids who don't know how to survive. I can take care for myself, but they're so fragile- so innocent. I wish I could go back to that, but it's too late for me. All I can do preserve theirs and wish for them at every 11:11 and on every shooting star and dandelion.

For You

I want to be sane for you not a whack-job  with a million things wrong  with her mind. I want to be skinny for you, instead of being a whale. I want to be beautiful for you, so you won't want anybody else. I want to be perfect for you, because you deserve the best. I want you to be proud of me for getting better and staying strong even if it's not the way you want. I want you to love me as much as I hate myself, which is a lot right now.

My Explaination

Secrets burn you to the core  and confused feelings have a way of messing with your mind.  They ruin chances of perfection or mental stability.  I'm sorry I never told you, I never had the courage to,  but I'm falling apart.

Reason to Smile

The things that make you smile is what is best for you. Whether it's a book, a song, a stuffed animal, your family, or someone you love. You are what's best for me, you are my reason to smile whether or not I am yours.

My Realization

No matter how many times I try to forget about you or try to ignore the feelings that keep me up late into the night, you manage to squeeze yourself back into my heart. I've tried walking away and looking at other guys, but none of them are nearly as special as you. My heart beats for you and you only. I might as well face up to the fact that my heart belongs to you-someone who doesn't seem to want it.