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Showing posts from December, 2014

The Pain I Caused

Hun, I know your heart is bleeding right now and you don't know what to do anymore, but you can't give this up. This is all my fault, trust me I know, and it kills me to know how much I hurt you. I know it hurts, but you can't give up on us. We're far too close, far too infatuated with one another to leave each other again. To be separated once again, would kill us both. A few smudges on your name is what spurred me to call. Every other name was written in perfection, but only yours was unreadable. Maybe it was fate pushing me back to you. Fate saying we needed each other. Don't give up, sweetheart. I love you.

My Nobodies

Nobody the betrayed Nobody the saint. Nobody the heartbroken Nobody the happy. Nobody forgives Nobody doesn't know. Nobody knows me better than I know myself Nobody knows I'm pretty a pretty face. Nobody misses me as I miss him Nobody possess me like an item. Nobody gave me the space I thought I needed Nobody thinks everything is okay. Nobody loves me Nobody doesn't know what love is. I loved nobody I care about nobody. ------------------------------------------ I wrote this in the style of the nobody poem in Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Magarget Stohl.

Afraid of Love

Promises were broken and love was lost. I was scared of love and you loved with all you had. I ran as fast as I could and you waited for me. I came back and now it's your turn to be scared of me.

Nothing's Fixed

Everyone acts like running away fixes things- like the problems won't catch up to you or hurt anyone that you left. I know now that it's selfish to run and leave everyone else confused in my sudden wake. It kills the ones left to pick up the pieces all by themselves. I'm sorry, I'm here to stay this time.

Identity Crisis

Who am I? Am I the stubborn girl with all the problems she was reluctant to tell? The girl who believed in love, but also in endings. The girl who was cold, but thawed her icy heart for one person. Am I the girl I was when I was with my prince? Or Am I the girl who makes everyone else happy? The girl who doesn't talk about love, because she doesn't believe in its existence. The girl who smiles pretty and tries to be a sweet angel to everyone. Am I the girl I am when I'm with my peter pan?

Slutty Grief

No matter how many guys i flirt with, talk to, or kiss you are always there in the back of my mind. I keep seeing your chocolate eyes, instead of the hazel ones I'm flirting with. I see your lips, rather than the ones I'm kissing. I see you no matter who I'm with. It's always you no matter who I convince myself I like- I love you. You're in my head, and I can't do anything about it. You're under my skin no matter how many times I deny it.

Pity For Those Who Don't Write

There are people who don't have pens randomly hidden in every room, every jacket, every purse finding them in the strangest of places like under your pillow, by the sink, in an empty bowl in the kitchen cabinet, sometimes even in a shoe  for the spontaneous ideas that must be written down at once.  There are people who don't wake up in the middle of the night, struck with inspiration, and stay up the rest of the night, writing their hearts out.  There are people who don't have random lines, that make little sense -except to the writer- written on their hand.  There are people who don't have their characters on paper haunting them. Butting into every thought they have, until the writer finished writing their story.  There are people who get sleep every single night with no thoughts of imaginary worlds sprouting in their heads, keeping them awake. They have no push from that magnificent imaginary word to stay up all night writing about the complex wor

Your Mask

The pretty parts are great and the masks you wear to face the public are amazing, but I'm not here to just see you as the person you use to hide yourself in. I'm here to find the you that hides. I'm here through your ups and downs, through your meltdowns and family pain, through your I-wish-I-were-dead days. I'm here to see the beauty in your flaws and all the perfections in your imperfections. Open up and let me help shoulder your sorrow. You can trust I won't leave after, for I'm not one for goodbyes. The pretty parts may be just that-pretty, but nothing compares to the amazing person the real you is. I love you, not the mask you wear, the real you.

The Love In Your Eyes

I say I won't love you, but then I see your eyes and all my willpower and determination seeps away.