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Showing posts from February, 2014

Penny For Your Thoughts

And as you stare off into nothingness, a tear falls from one of  your eyes. What I would give to know what troubles you so. Keeping it all bottled up so much cannot be very good for you, trust me I know how it ends. You're going to go insane living like this. Penny for your thoughts? They'll be safe with me, I promise. Maybe it should be a dollar, seeing how important they seem to be. Help is what you seem to need so please penny for your thoughts?

The Memories

Do you remember the way we used to dance around like fools  outside the stores as if nobody was watching? Do you recall crashing on your couch after watching all those scary movies that scared you rather than me? What about the time we sung terribly off key with the windows rolled down in the car driving around town without a clue as to where we were going? Do you remember all the times I called you at 3 am in tears because you always knew how to make me smile again? Do you remember all the times you called me beautiful and told me how you wouldn't ever leave me? Do you recall the times you told me you loved me and promised forever and always? Does any of that mean anything to you anymore? Or are they all just useless memories to you by now? I'm not going to say I miss you, because I don't, but I do miss the memories and all of the amazingly wonderful times we had together.

Nowhere Close

I know I'm not perfect. I'm too short, my hair is always messy and my clothes never look right. I'm almost never on time, I hate listening to direction, and I hate being wrong. I will argue with everything you say, even when I know I'm wrong. I have way to much pride for a girl who fucks up daily. I push everybody away so I can stay safe behind the wall in my mind. I swear like a sailor, I never know when to stop talking, and if you catch me in the morning it's always best to run the other way. I'll never tell you what's wrong and I'll always fake a smile for your benefit even if that drives you nuts. I'm flawed and broken and nowhere close to the perfection you deserve, but I would do my best to be the best you've had.

The Grey

Why must people always have to be either good or bad? What if I was a good girl with bad tendencies or a bad girl who did good things? Must things always be placed in little boxes? What about those who do not fit into any box? What happens to them?